Taking care of business… Venice-style

We don’t visit Venice like typical tourists. We essentially move here for a month, exploring the winding streets and becoming part of our neighborhood. Here’s a short video I created of some of our wanderings around this magical city:

Our first week in Venice has encompassed taking care of business. Of course, since we are in Italy, everything takes MUCH longer than expected and is rarely completed on just one trip. Seriously. Plus, since we’re in Venice, getting anywhere directly is nearly impossible. It took 3 trips before successfully finding Vodafone open (closed Sundays and for several hours every afternoon). We were able to get my Italian mobile phone turned back on, but had to get a new SIM card since it had expired a week ago (good for only 1 year), and we’ll still have to go back because the Internet key we purchased doesn’t work!

Food shopping in Italy

Goodies from the market

Supermarket across from our apartment

“Supermarket” across from us

Grocery shopping is a hilarious, but fun experience. I forgot my dictionary today and ended up using a mixture of Italian, Spanish, English and hand gestures to food shop. Also, unlike at home where you can purchase all food items in one shop, such is not the case here. For the most part, I must go to a separate shop for produce, another for fish, and still another for milk and cheese. Today’s grocery shopping was a huge success when I found Mama’s favorite cheese in the small market directly across from our apartment! I was also shocked to find Skippy peanut butter — the first time I’ve ever seen peanut butter for sale in Europe! (Last year we gave our leftover PB to Hannah and her American roommates cried with joy!)

I apparently have very sweet blood (perhaps it’s all the sweets I enjoy?) and so I tend to get bit by mosquitoes a lot. Pharmacies here sell a great OTC product called Fenistil that takes the itch away and heals the bite considerably faster. I went through several tubes last year and already picked up the first of the trip this year!

We’ve enjoyed a ton of gelato already (pants still fit though!). Our favorite is still Suso, near the Rialto Bridge — we’ve already gone twice (featured in today’s video above)! We also love Gelateria Mela Verde near where we’re now living.

Congrats to the happy couple


Our apartment this year is in the Castello sestiere (district). In case you missed it, here’s a short video I took THROUGH our apartment’s window onto Salizada San Antonin. It is much quieter than where we were last year (in the Canneregio sestiere near the Rialto), though we were happy to visit our dear friends at the Taverna al Remer. We even got to meet the British couple staying in our old apartment — they’re getting married here this week!

I hope you’ve been enjoying these little videos I’ve created following our adventures. Still photos just didn’t seem to capture the magic of this amazing city that’s captured our hearts.

Movie set or Venice?

Movie set or Venice?

If you missed it, here’s a short video of the water taxi ride into Venice from the airport, and here’s the link to read Mama’s blog as well! Follow me on twitter (@gabriana) to see more photos and join our hilarious adventures.

10 replies

  1. Wow, I miss your blog for a week or two and “POW’ Back in Venice.

    It looks like you’re having a great time, I’m looking forward to more of your adventures.


    • Thanks Rob! Yes, it’s been quite a whirlwind. We never thought we’d get to return to our beloved Venice, but the doctors suddenly gave us permission to travel at the end of a long and difficult summer! Glad you’re enjoying our adventures. 🙂



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