A Star is Born… Lil’ Nosy Parker in Venice

Yeah. I know I look silly. It’s my new gondolier’s hat.

Sniff sniff, sniff sniff, sniff sniff… so many wonderful new smells here in each twist and turn of the streets we walk. I’m constantly stopping to investigate a new one, before a tug on my leash means it’s time to keep walking. At first, I was a bit afraid of the big water (Grand Canal) and would steer clear of our little dock, but now I roam the whole square (Campiello Del Remer) outside our door like it’s my own personal yard with visitors. I love it here!

Getting love from my favorite groomsman

Cuddling with the beautiful bridesmaids

We’ve been here for a few weeks already, so of course I’m a regular at the taverna. They don’t even make me wear my leash! When I’m not cleaning crumbs from the floor (or begging for beer or bites of food), I sit on a barstool or chair and enjoy the atmosphere. Everyone knows my name and is happy for a kiss before we settle in at our table. When we were first here, there were outside tables and those were the best because plenty of food found its way to the ground for me. This is also where I inserted us into a small wedding party’s cocktail time. I was careful not to ruin any dresses in my quest for kisses. Here is my favorite groomsman, Tobias, and the beautiful bridesmaids loving up on me.

There are tons of other dogs here, but I’m the only Boston Bull Terrier we’ve seen! We are constantly being stopped by travelers who miss their Boston and so I oblige them with a few kisses and the occasional cuddle. People are constantly pointing at me, often with a laugh about my tongue sticking out… like I can help it! But that’s ok because I’ve been getting a lot of love here. Seriously. (…with the exception of the lifeguard at Lido, who was NOT nice about my presence.)

Waitress love

Giving Bubbe’s friend, the artist Kishi, a leash hug

“Amore, amore,” the Italians say as they squat down for a pet and a kiss. This city tops Carmel, California for dog-friendliness in my book. The Venetians just love me. Cannietta, they call me, meaning little dog. I thought I was popular back home, but this is a whole new level and I’m just lapping it up! “Bella, bella,” these Italians call, “Bellisima!” I also still get a lot of goofy head tilts (with tongue out to the side, of course), but Italian love is simply like no other.

A more surprising admirer

The schoolboys on Murano

Walking along the Misericordia to the Jewish Ghetto one morning last week, a huge burly man wearing a superman t-shirt threw aside the heavy (Fiat-sized) wheelbarrow cart he was pushing to throw himself at me! I was a little nervous at first, but he just wanted kisses before he continued along his way. Some of my favorite fans were a group of schoolchildren on Murano… these sweet young boys walking home from school were so gentle and I had a wonderful visit with them. What can I say? I seem to just melt the hearts of each and every food server, shop assistant and passerby we meet.

Playing with my new friend, Polly (a pug from Germany)

I was really hoping to meet Maggie, the Bearded Collie dog whose wonderful adventures in Venice chronicled on a blog called Maggie in Venice, but I think they aren’t here now. I’ve made loads of other doggie friends, but my favorite has been a Pug called Polly from Germany. Polly was just the right size for me and we had a grand time playing on the street outside the glass shop (where I had to pose for a while as a glass mini-me was made). Polly was more playful than I’m used to (I’m really more of a cuddler), but we had a blast together while the cameras snapped away. Plus we both wear pink so it must be kismet.

Oh G-d, this gelato is FABULOUS!!!

My gelato fairy!

One of the best bits of the whole trip was when I finally got some gelato… and not just the bits dropped by my humans. Another traveler shared her gelato with me!!!! It didn’t have any chocolate so don’t worry. But it was AMAZING!!!! This lady fed me gelato with her spoon! And then she even let me finish it along with her cup-shaped cone, which I devoured. Ever since, I just stare at my humans with these huge eyes, begging them for a bit of theirs.

The suitcases are back out and being packed. I keep trying to climb in so they won’t forget me, but I love it here in Venice. I simply can’t be without my Bubbe (Mama Jude) so I want to make sure they don’t leave me. I don’t bark or whine and I’m so quiet they might just forget I’m here. *Post-trip update: when the water taxi arrived in the wee morning hours, I was hiding in a pile of blankets on my Bubbe’s bed, and my humans couldn’t find me! Heehee.*

Having a sniff during map consultation

All in all, the smells in Venice beat out any other I’ve had the pleasure to sniff. Honestly, the sounds sometimes give me a bit of a scare, but it isn’t nearly so bad as the vacuum so it’s ok. It’s nice to see so many other dogs and to not worry about cars, but sometimes the crowds are so thick I can’t walk without risking getting trampled. It’s a good thing I’m so small and portable. In any case, after spending so much time at the hospital (and even living there!) during this past year and a half, it is great to avoid doctors completely and just enjoy this special adventure. *Post-trip update: Along with my humans, I am really feeling this jetlag and going through some serious Venetian withdrawal. We took a walk here, but it just wasn’t the same. I’m homesick for Venice and our beloved campiello.*

Sleeping with my Bubbe on the plane

People keep asking us how I got here so here’s a picture of me cuddling with my beloved Bubbe on the airplane ride to Venice. I guess we’ll be doing it all in reverse soon. California, here I come!

In case you didn’t get this, this post is written from Abby’s point of view.

Here are a couple other posts about Abby, the Lil’ Nosy Parker, including one featuring her favorite pet products and one about her magical healing powers. Stay tuned for a post about pet travel!

Dearest Readers, Please also follow my Bubbe, Mama Jude’s blog: https://giudittalia.wordpress.com/. And please comment on our blogs!!! It helps us to know who we are writing to and encourages us to share more! Thanks for following our adventures!

30 replies

  1. Thanks for sharing, Abby! You’re just like the rest of your family – friendly and outgoing. No wonder they loved you in Venice!


  2. Abby you are so lucky. My parents always want to take me with them to Venice but where I live in Australia humans are not that friendly to dogs. The plane trip would be really long and I would be in a cage with all the suitcases. When my Mummy & Daddy came home I would have to go into quarantine for a period of time and couldn’t see them. You are so lucky to go on wonderful trips.
    Love from your friend Bella the Westie. xxx


  3. Miss Bug Eyes!!! Cousin Yofi is very jealous of all the food treats you got. He is very glad to hear that you had a wonderful time and enjoyed the big adventure.



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